Jesus, the Lamb and the Light
Sally Hanan2021-05-27T15:18:08-05:00Jesus: The Lamb and the Light: Palm Sunday to Pentecost and Beyond Nancy Curtis, March 1, 2021 Nancy's daughter did the copy edit on this [...]
A Purposed Heart
Sally Hanan2021-05-27T15:15:04-05:00A Purposed Heart: My Journey for Life Daniel Lavan, Jr., May 3, 2021 Daniel book needed typesetting for both print and an e-book, and a cover. [...]
Keep Pushing
Sally Hanan2021-02-10T18:51:42-06:00Keep Pushing: And While You're at It, Share Your Story! by Takeri L. Jackson December 26, 2020 This was a favorite project of mine [...]