Jacket Copy
Jacket copy is what goes on the back cover to describe what the book is about and to encourage people to buy it.
Jacket copy is what goes on the back cover to describe what the book is about and to encourage people to buy it.
Jesus: The Lamb and the Light: Palm Sunday to Pentecost and Beyond Nancy Curtis, March 1, 2021 Nancy's daughter did the copy edit on this [...]
A Purposed Heart: My Journey for Life Daniel Lavan, Jr., May 3, 2021 Daniel book needed typesetting for both print and an e-book, and a cover. [...]
Keep Pushing: And While You're at It, Share Your Story! by Takeri L. Jackson December 26, 2020 This was a favorite project of mine [...]
If you Lead, People Will Follow by Richard E. Hellen, July 16, 2020 Richard has written a book about the leadership skills he learned, lived, and [...]
Truth in Love: What Your Child Needs for Spiritual and Sexual Soundness in God by Dorinda Trick July 14, 2020 This is Dorinda's third book [...]
Activating Your Revelation Gifts: A closer look at the word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits by Jerame Nelson Jun 3, 2020 [...]